Все ликуют от новостей NASA - зонд "Юнона" прибыл к Юпитеру после пятилетнего путешествия. Жду теперь первых данных и новых фото. Как раз вспомнила, что года три назад был небольшой проект декоративной ракеты в торговый центр. Помню как забавно было собирать ее на производстве, все так увлечены процессом были, фотографировались и баловались. В торговом центре не так зрелищна моя ракета выглядит как оказалось , но тоже стоит внимания.
All rejoicing from NASA news - probe " Juno " came to Jupiter after a five-year journey. Now I look forward to the first data and new photos . Just I remember that three years ago was a small project rocket decorative to the mall . I remember it was fun to collect her at work, all so passionate about the process were photographed and indulged . The shopping center is not as my rocket is spectacular , but it is also worth attention.
All rejoicing from NASA news - probe " Juno " came to Jupiter after a five-year journey. Now I look forward to the first data and new photos . Just I remember that three years ago was a small project rocket decorative to the mall . I remember it was fun to collect her at work, all so passionate about the process were photographed and indulged . The shopping center is not as my rocket is spectacular , but it is also worth attention.
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